


JUL 18, 2019

Accent On: Illustrator Kyle Beckett

Sylvamo recently teamed up with illustrator Kyle Beckett to create the original children’s book Apollo the Spacedog. This adventure story introduces young readers to Apollo, a shelter dog who longs to find a home, and Andi, a 7-year-old girl who’s...

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JUN 30, 2019

Digital Dish: June 2019

Each Digital Dish features a new nugget to chew on and fuel your digital cravings. This month's edition provides tips to execute a successful paper trial on your new digital press, starting with obtaining trial rolls to linearizing the press.

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JUN 19, 2019

Highlights: HOW Design Live 2019

We had a fantastic time at HOW Design Live 2019. The Sylvamo booth was full of people hand pulling their own screen-printed Accent® Opaque sketchbooks featuring custom artwork from Flat Planet Press — and clearly having a blast.

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MAY 31, 2019

Digital Dish: May 2019

Each Digital Dish features a new nugget to chew on and fuel your digital cravings. In continuation from last month's dish about maximizing the performance of your new digital press by selecting a suitable paper, this edition digs in further to the...

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MAY 29, 2019

Accent On: Printmaker and Illustrator Max Mahn

Max Mahn is a printmaker and illustrator working between Montana and Wyoming under the pseudonym Twin Home. He’s passionate about the art of the gig poster, and he spoke with us about how he got his start and what’s inspiring him today.

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