


JAN 1, 2020

Digital Dish: January 2020

Each dish features a new nugget to chew on and fuel your digital cravings. This month's edition discusses book printing and converting on high-speed inkjet presses versus traditional offset presses and feeds you with suggestions to ensure the final...

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DEC 31, 2019

Digital Dish: December 2019

Throughout 2019, I've fed you various tips, tricks, and considerations when printing digitally, and in this final dish of the year, it's bittersweet to announce that it will be my final one! After 31 years with Sylvamo, I am retiring at the end of...

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NOV 30, 2019

Digital Dish: November 2019

Each dish features a new nugget to chew on and fuel your digital cravings. This month's edition features the all-new 21st Edition Pocket Pal®, the authoritative introduction to the graphic arts. This handy book is used across print markets and...

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OCT 31, 2019

Digital Dish: October 2019

Each dish features a new nugget to chew on and fuel your digital cravings. This month's edition addresses a frequently-asked topic on the longevity of using treated papers on digital printing equipment, including Indigo, high-speed inkjet and...

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SEP 30, 2019

Digital Dish: September 2019

Each Digital Dish features a new nugget to chew on and fuel your digital cravings. This month's edition continues the discussion on book printing with high-speed inkjet presses. Thanks to digital printing, not only can you print without a publisher,...

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